Tips for Trans Allies
Don’t out trans friends to other people without their permission.
Know your local resources (WAF, CATS, etc).
Google first! Your trans friend isn’t your personal encyclopedia.
Ask your friend which pronouns they prefer (he/she/they), then tell them which you prefer.
Ask if you can ask questions, and be aware of your surroundings before initiating the conversation.
Avoid asking questions about genitalia or any questions you would feel uncomfortable answering if the tables were turned.
Find out with whom you can use your friend’s preferred name and pronouns. It can be very dangerous for trans people to be out to the wrong people.
Don’t use oppressive language, and call others out when they do.
Avoid using the following language:
“What are you really?”
“What’s your real name?”
“So, you’re an ‘it?’”
Always refer to the sex one was “assigned at birth,” as opposed to one’s “real sex.”