Social Support Groups

We Are Family currently offers three social support groups for young people — SafeSpace (middle and high school), QueerSpace (18-24 age), and The Q Crew (for queer and trans Black Indigenous People of Color). Groups are peer-led and facilitated by We Are Family staff and trained volunteers. Please note that only youth are permitted to attend these groups.

To Join Our Groups:

If you are new, complete our youth intake form by clicking here. Once this intake form is completed, youth will receive a link for a brief welcome meeting with programming staff so they can go through program details. For questions or concerns, email our Director of Mental Health Programs, Chandler Massengale at or our Program Director, Luka Romanova at

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Welcome Group Members!

WAF staff has started a trial of a new virtual group structure. This new structure will include starting with around 30min in separate virtual groups for folks (safespace, queerspace, qcrew) and then folks will come together for the main activity or discussion. We will also share notes for whatever we do in this discord so people can continue the conversation. 

Know Before You Go!

All attendees must have an intake form and intake meeting completed to attend social support groups. Please click here to complete a form if you have not.

Art therapy is a program available for members 12-18. Please visit to complete intake for this program. 

2025 Upcoming Group Offerings

  • SafeSpace (Middle and High School)

    • Social Support Groups

      • Tuesday, March 11th 6-7:30pm: Art Therapy (in person)

      • Tuesday, March 18th 7-8:30pm: Prom Prep (in person)

      • Tuesday, March 25th 6-7:30pm: Art Therapy (in person)

  • QueerSpace (18-24):

    • Tuesday, March 4th 7-8:30pm: Social Support Group (virtual)

  • Mixed Age Groups

    • Saturday, March 22nd: Outing (in person)

      • Sign-ups for this outing are currently at capacity.


I’ve never felt more understood than I do with We Are Family. They’ve been my anchor, reminding me that I belong in this world.

Skylar, 16

