GSA Coalition Support
Gender & Sexuality Alliances (GSAs) are student-led clubs for LGBTQ+ youth and allies in middle and high schools. As the state partner for the National Association of GSA Networks, We Are Family provides ongoing support and technical assistance to these groups, which may range from leadership development and coalition building, assisting youth with the implementation of a group, and visiting schools to speak with club members and faculty/staff advisers.
We also support the Lowcountry GSA Coalition, which connects clubs all over the Charleston Tri-County region and provides on-going support, coalition meetings, leadership activities, and more!!
Get Involved today
In September 2024, We Are Family hosted our Conexiones Positivas Leadership Camp, a three-day camp focused on increasing the leadership development of queer and trans Hispanic and Latine youth in SC!
Register your Student Group with the National GSA Network!
We Are Family is the state partner for the National Association of GSA Networks! As a local partner, WAF is working to build a network of GSAs and youth leaders that are committed to equity, justice, and liberation for LGBTQI+ youth.
GSA Spotlight- Student Leader Scholarship Recipients
Earlier this year, we selected our second year recipients of The Student Leadership Scholarship! Five high school seniors in the Lowcountry will be awarded this year! All awardees have aspirations to use their leadership skills for a positive change the world. Let’s support them in making that change!
One of our recipients, Alex Driskell (not pictured) graduated from Goose Creek High School and plans on attending Ringling College of Art and Design
“Since childhood, I have wanted nothing more than to find someone like me. The happiness I got from finally discovering the diversity in shows like Steven Universe is something I strive to bring to the community. This is where my passion for animation came from, and this is how I plan to advocate for queer rights.
I believe everyone deserves to feel found, and media is the first and greatest step to that. If I can show generations that they're not alone with my art, then I can spur passion in them to do the same. It means magnitudes to be connected like this since that connection will build the schools, homes, and communities that are safe from discrimination for our future.” - Alex Driskell

Use our coalition’s mission, vision, and values for your club!
The Lowcountry GSA Coalition is an association of Gender-Sexuality Alliances (GSAs) in the Charleston Tri-County region committed to generating solidarity through action, by providing inclusive, affirming, and brave spaces for LGBTQIA+ youth within our schools and communities.
Our vision is to create a world where exploration and expression of identity is celebrated and all LGBTQIA+ people, especially LGBTQIA+ youth, are encouraged to speak and live their truth.
Take action
For Students in the Tri-County area:
Sign up for and attend the Lowcountry GSA Coalition quarterly meetings
Request a School Visit to your school from WAF by completing the form below.
For School Administrators, Teachers, Counselors and/or LGBTQ+ student group Advisors in the Tri-County area:
Share WAF’s programs with your students
Request a School Visit to your school from WAF by completing the form below.
For Community Supporters:
Write an affirming letter to a student to let these youth know that they have their community's support and send it to WAF's address (1801 Reynolds Ave. Unit B, North Charleston). WAF will give these letters to students throughout the year during our visits to schools.
Make a donation to this initiative!
Donate online here (Add a note: GSA support)
OR mail donations to 1801 Reynolds Ave, Unit B (With the Memo: GSA Support)
Request A School Visit from We Are Family
It’s like having a second family that loves me for who I am. We Are Family has taught me to embrace my identity with pride and confidence.
Sam, 13